Friday, January 15, 2016

Want To Change Your Life: Waste Less!

Wanting to change your life and wasting less, doesn’t seem at first glance to go together. But, under closer examination, there is a direct correlation between a ‘happy life’ and a ‘wasted’ one! Between a ‘fulfilling’ one, and a life wasted on ‘triviality’ and ‘selfishness’; or, a life spent on ‘consumption’ and ‘avarice’; well, you know the story? It has loser written all over it! Those that waste soon enough lose what they have, or I should say, had. It’s that simple! No more explanations are necessary.
So, how does one go from zero to hero? Simply by wasting less of course! Knowing what you waste and plugging up the holes. Truthfully speaking it’s that straightforward and simple. Allow me to explain my meanings.

Growing, changing, moving forward, personal development, changing one’s life, etc., all involve focus, determination, utilization of resources, values, and most importantly, achievements; the accomplishment of targets and goals that were set, set to be completed, and along a set timeline.  Real change, beneficial change is monitor-able, observable and definitely measurable! You and others can notice and experience these changes first-hand!

It’s opposite, as I see it, are contraction and procrastination; and those that exercise these beliefs in their lives, always seem to waste what they have, as they do not expend enough energy on future wealth accumulation,  or have any plan or strategy to achieve a sustainable condition of affluence or abundance. Thus they waste what they have and are left with nothing but the tears of what they could have, and should have had! Happy thoughts produce happy feelings. Feeling of loss and waste, only produce sadness and grief…of what could’ve been.

If you really want to change your life, and in any which way, focus on where what and how you are creating any waste in that area of your life; how you may be contributing to it in any way. Examine, what you have and currently take for granted; and do not value enough. Answer to yourself this fundamental question, are you growing or contracting, in this or any other area of your life? If you are actually shrinking and getting smaller, in this or any other area, then you immediately need to save what you have before you waste it; and, directly expend some energy to create some more of whatever it is you need to have more of. Survival is growth and optimum change; it’s opposite, decay and death, create waste as a by-product of their imminent demise.

Value and treasure what you have; especially the moment, the here and NOW. Truthfully, it is the only thing of real value that we possess. Treasure it; make it the most precious and valuable object in your life. Don’t waste a precious moment of your life, outside of the moment, elsewhere focused on the past; a past failure, a past mistake, a past non-accomplishment. Know this, life is in you today, and you can create your own tomorrow, whatever that may be. Want to change your life, then learn to be in the now, value what you have, and waste less.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Save Your Life: Begin Yoga Today

Yoga can save your Life; regardless of your present age, shape, physical, emotional or spiritual condition! Now, that’s a statement of fact and not just sleight of hand ‘medical chicanery! Yoga is Life; in its truest sense! The Sanskrit word "yoga" has the literal meaning to "yoke" from the root word "yuj" meaning to join, to unite, or to attach. Historically speaking, it dates back thousands of years in human history. Although back then, the word for combining two oxen together, with a wooden device was also called a yoke. This was done to harness the energy of the beasts of burden!
This then, is the true meaning of Yoga, to harness, to utilize, to empower; especially today, beyond your limitations-self-imposed or otherwise! Additionally, it also implies harmony and union with all things worldly, and perhaps, even beyond!

“Regarding literary sources, there is evidence as early as the oldest Vedic text, the Ṛg Veda (c. 1200 – c. 1500 B.C.E.), that there were yogī-like ascetics on the margins of the Vedic world. In terms of the archaeological record, seals found in Indus Valley sites (c. 3000 – c. 1500 B.C.E.) with representations of figures seated in a clear yogic posture (the most famous figure is seated in padmāsana, lotus pose, with arms extended and has been practiced on the Indian subcontinent for well over 4000 years”.

Fast forward forty centuries and the Yoga of today as it is mostly taught and practiced in North America is mainly focused on the physical well being of the individual adherent, as they practice,  through a series of standardized poses. What’s become totally confusing though is that most people interested in pursuing Yoga as it has developed up to now, are initially overwhelmed by the countless, differing schools and divergent styles, philosophies, meditative practices and physical postures, that people with interest in Yoga must first wade through and evaluate for themselves, before they can decide on a discipline on their own! This is no easy task, and can instead drive new Yoga initiates away!

This is an ever more important reason why and other educational sites like it are growing in popularity. People need to be informed using simple language that communicates the truth in simple terms. They don’t want lessons in Bio-mechanics, or endless quotes from the Upanishads!

Yoga in the West, instead of being simplifying, unifying and sanctifying, has become confusing and complicated at best! One can spend hundreds of hours, ‘searching’, ‘looking’, and getting informed about the various schools and philosophical tenets, without actually starting to practice, Yoga! This can be a detour for some, and a detractor for many others! It is the practice of Yoga and not the learning of Yoga information that will elevate your existence. Yoga should be simple and easy to learn, apply and benefit from; if it isn’t, it’s not your style or fit! Change it!

Find yourself a school or a form of Yoga that is simple to learn and apply in your immediate life, to give your Life more meaning, flexibility, energy, immunity and, stamina; by applying  simple lessons and easy to perform practices; that in turn, will give you immediate and extended lasting results, both physically and spiritually.

As a health researcher and Yoga aficionado, with fifty plus years of observation and experience behind me, I can say this truly and emphatically: Save Your Life, Begin Yoga Today!