What are the outer-limits for us as human beings, how long can we actually expect to live? Biblically and historically, there have been numerous spectacular claims of longevity; hundreds of years, up to 1000+ years; if we are to believe oral tradition. More recently though, in this century and last century, there have been too many documented cases of longer life for us to simply ignore; one 122 year old; a 131 year old; a 156 year old; a 160 year old; and even, a multiple-verified report of a 256 year old herbalist and martial artist from China! These reports are not just anecdotal or based on folklore; they have been verified by other people living, as well as, by now dead.
Japan has 60,000+ Centenarians at present; whereas, the U.S. has about 150,000; while the rest of the world, about another 100,000+ total! The trend, therefore, is obvious, we are living longer! Not surprisingly, Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey has already stated, “ The first person to live to be 1,000 years old is certainly live today…whether they realize it or not, barring accidents and suicide, most people now 40 years or younger can expect to live for centuries.”
Historically speaking, this field of study has already been stained by the boisterous claims and suspicious offerings of too many magical, anti-aging elixirs. People have become resistant to these fabricated claims. Recently though, with today’s technologies, scientists studying longevity have focused on molecular research, using powerful genomic markers; isolating, genetically distinct communities of people to gain further insight into the problems of old age, and how it can be avoided! Independent studies in Calabria, Ecuador, Hawaii, even the Bronx, are turning up molecules and chemical pathways that may help all of us reach a ‘new’ level of old age while remaining active, vibrant and healthy, at 100 and beyond!
The common denominator for these longer lives is not ‘geographical location’; as they exist in isolated pockets all over the globe. Their main similarities are with their diets and activity; rich in organic fruit and vegetables; they were hard working; free from drugs, alcohol and tobacco; lived on a restricted meat diet; ate mainly fish or seaweed diet; including, having a source of clean fresh water; and finally, physically free from major pollutants. Now, these people are surviving well into their 100’s; and, without any kind of medical, genetic, bio-medical, bi-engineered, or molecular assistants. NONE!So, don’t be surprised if you are the one who may live to be 150 years old; after all, as health-conscious human beings, how long do we really expect to live?