Friday, December 4, 2020

The Ethics of Bone Broth in a PETA World

The ethics of bone broth does matter, even in a PETA world; mainly because over 3 billion human beings cannot just give up eating meat overnight…FOR ANY REASON. As for some, their day-to-day survival depends on it!

All the ‘sane’ arguments in favor of not-eating animal by-products for religious or ethical reasons, I am in full agreement with, even though I am a meat eater myself. Ethics and our Environment seem logical enough to me. ‘Protect and preserve life about all else’ has been my personal motto for most of my adult life. Despite being an ethical ‘meat eater’. It certainly ain’t going to happen this PETA century!

It is sheer fallacy and farce to expect 3 billion people to give up eating meat, as tasty, and delicious as it is; especially, almost overnight. It will take decades, if not centuries, for this kind of change to actually take place around the globe.

In the meantime, the sad and grim reality is that billions of chickens and pigs are slaughtered each year around the world, to feed the insatiable cravings of far too many meat-loving human beings like myself.

I love meat; I grew up on it; to me, it is not just meat, it is also a tasty treat and an edible form of protein. I can probably admit to maybe, just perhaps, also being addicted to this thing we call ‘meat’, and in any form. Yet, I am a herbivore; and NOT, mainly a carnivore. I can go without meat if I want to; but, not for too long. 😊

Biologically speaking though, and down through the ages, animal by-products have been directly responsible for our evolution, the size of our brains, our genetics, even our current immune system. These are indisputable facts of science. Our DNA does not lie! Ethical or not!

We have evolved from what we have eaten and still consume today.

Which means when it comes to bone broth vs. vegetable broth, the meat-eaters of the world can get a bigger bang, biologically speaking, from the carcasses of animals, rather than with just herbs and vegetables in the broth.

Firstly, people that are meat eaters respond better and with greater health results initially, by consuming bone broth rather than vegetable broth for whatever ails them. Specifically, in terms of soothing relief from the discomforts of inflammatory response due to diet or disease. Bone broth works faster and is much more effective than vegetable broth to immediately and dramatically reduce the inflammation levels in the body, or brain.

The above statement of personal fact was gleaned from over a decade of watching people consuming it, and their reactions to it and from it! Biologically speaking, they felt less pain, less inflammation, and less discomfort from bone broth than they did from consuming vegetable broth alone.

The above fact, is not just supposition, as bone broth has been consumed for over 20,000 years! How much anecdotal evidence will it take, to make people trust in the regular consumption of this powerful proteinaceous elixir? 

Over these same tens of thousands of years, I am pretty sure hundreds of millions of human beings have been sustained and fortified, in one form of bone broth or another.

Are we really going to wait for science to prove the value of bone broth without a shadow of a doubt? Or, isn’t 20,000 years of our recent evolution proof enough, that bone broth is the most powerful therapeutic food substance on the planet?

And it seems to work universally, regardless of your ethics or dogma.

Welcome to the ethics of bone broth in a PETA world.